What is the weather like in Ghana?

Ghana is located approximately 5º north of the equator. Our weather is HOT most of the time. The temperature averages 95ºF. We can have temperatures as low as 70ºF at night, which the Ghanaians say is “bitterly cold,” and as high as 115ºF with a heat index of 132ºF.

There are two seasons: rainy (May-October) and dry (November-April). The temperatures are the hottest during February-March of the dry season and everything is covered with a layer of dust from the Harmattan (the dust that blows south from the Sahara Desert).

Where is Yendi located?

When looking at a map of Ghana follow the Ghana-Togo border (eastern border) up the map two-thirds of the way. Yendi is approximately 20-25 miles west of the Togo border.

What languages do the Ghanaians speak around Yendi?

The national language of Ghana is English. Ghana was a colony of Great Britain and was called the Gold Coast until 1957. Although English is taught in the schools, most tribes have their own language that is spoken for everyday affairs. One language may be divided into several dialects with different words and phrases depending on the geographical location.

We work primarily with the Dagomba, Konkomba, and Chokosi tribes.