We thought that because the church paperwork was behind us and the masons were postponing filling the floors in the rooms today that we would have less to do .  Wrong!  Dawda called first thing this morning to let us know that the cement had dried enough for him to remove the wood we rented to make the forms for the lintels and that they needed to be taken back so we would not have to pay for additional days.  Today is Mr. Iddrisu’s day off but he was happy to come to work today and drive the motor king so he could make a little extra money.  Today was also the day that we were scheduled to meet up with the carpenter to select the lumber for the roof.  The carpenter had visitors so he could not go with us to the lumber yard but he sent a couple of his apprentices to choose the boards.  I don’t brag about having a “straight eye” (having the ability to look down a board and see if it is straight, curved or warped) but honestly my 12 year old grandchild could have done a better job of picking out straight boards!  Steve was not around when the lumber selection was made.  After Donkey and Mr. Iddrisu took back the rented boards they hauled a load of lumber to Kulkpeni; Steve also had the pickup loaded with lumber.

Dawda, the mason dug the pit for us.  We sewed pieces of plastic sheeting together but when we got to Kulkpeni the plastic was not long enough so I used Timothy Niligrini’s sewing machine to add another section of plastic to make the plastic long enough to cover the pit.  We did the same thing we did at the mission house when we built the last couple of buildings; we dug a pit; lined it with plastic sheeting; filled it with water and Dursban so the lumber could be dipped to treat it for termites.  Donkey and Iddrisu dipped the boards.  They finished all that work by 1:30 so Steve gave them the rest of the day off.  They were happy to go home early.

This afternoon Steve got all the copies of the churches’ paperwork finished.  The copier started working a little bit better and it would pick up 3 copies at a time; that made things go a little bit faster.  

This morning Donkey caught another cat in the rat trap.  He said that the cat was so big and had so much meat on it that he wanted to send it to the palace.  The man he called from the palace to come and get the cat was very pleased to get it!  Later when we were talking to Dawda about the cat he said that the truth of the matter was that Donkey’s children refused to eat the last cat that he caught because they felt sorry for the cat and thought it was wrong to eat a cat.  They have no problem eating rats!

Enjoy your weekend!

In HIS Service,

Steve and Kandie

Skeeter’s Monkey Business

All this talk about catching cats and eating cats is worrying me!  I think it is awful that someone would eat a cat!  I am a little worried about myself; I have heard whisperings that there are people living around me that eat monkeys and look what happened to my own dear mother!  I sure am happy that I live in a family that does not eat cats or monkeys!

Mom finally took the swimming pool away; she dumped out the water and cleaned up my toys so I can play with them again.  I won that round!  Now I am not saying that she will not try something else because she is persistent like that.

This morning when Donkey and Mr. Dawda came to the compound I did not scream and holler; I did not even make an ugly face.  I never make ugly faces at Mr. Dawda, I like him, he is my favorite Ghanaian man.  Now Donkey on the other hand, he is somehow a little scary because he likes to snap his fingers at me and jump at me but today he did not do any of that so I sat on his foot for a couple seconds.  Then he gave me a little mango to eat; it was delicious!  I have started eating more real food; I still like my bottle but I am adding fruits to my diet.  I still am not wild about vegetables but I did eat some raw cabbage this afternoon because Dad was eating it and he made it look so tasty!  

I have figured out how to walk upright on my hind legs while carrying something in my hands; I am so talented!

No Cat on the Menu!

Love Skeeter
